This is the Brazilian Tulip wood tree. As far as I can make out. There seems to be some confusion as to the real identity of the tree Brazilian Tulipwood comes from. Some sites say it comes from the Dalbergia decipularis, others say Physocalymma scaberrimum . This picture was taken by Chris Diewald who traveled to Brazil and had this to say about it.
"I found a lot of these trees in flower near Pirenopolis, Goiás, Brazil, in August of 2007. This belongs to the central Brazilian savanna biomes (Cerrado). The tree appears not to be well known even in Brazil. I have since found the English name 'Tulipwood" for it and added this to the tags. Unfortunately, I don´t have good close-up images of the flowers.
It is truly a show when in flower! "

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